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Benefits of apple cider vinegar to the body

Benefits of apple cider vinegar to the body 

Benefits of apple cider vinegar to the body

Apple cider vinegar :

Is a fermented liquid extracted from apples; where the sugars decompose and turn into bacteria that help to ferment, resulting in the so-called vinegar, and vinegar is extracted from fruits and sometimes from grains, and this liquid is widely used in our kitchens in the preparation of our various foods, and also in pickling.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar:

One of the most prominent benefits of apple cider vinegar that was known in ancient times, that it was a common remedy for the problem of head lice, and it was used to fight the signs of aging, and it facilitated digestion, and rid the body of waste and toxins, but recent scientific studies have not proven these benefits of apple cider vinegar. There are some studies have shown that apple cider vinegar has many other benefits and most important benefits that didn't prove true until now.

As the Apple is useful in reducing blood glucose, which makes it suitable for diabetics, and it is recommended to eat two tablespoons of it every morning for diabetics, as studies have also proved that it lowers cholesterol in the blood, reducing the risk of heart disease, as it lowers blood pressure, and eliminates cancer cells.

One of the most prominent known benefits of vinegar is that it greatly helps to reduce weight and tighten the body; as the vinegar depends on dissolving the fat and excess fat in the body, and rid the body of them definitively, and this is what makes it a distinctive element of the diet; because it lightens the weight in a way ,with the addition of two tablespoons of concentrated natural apple cider vinegar, preferably warm water.

Apple cider vinegar treats burns from the hot sun, removes hair from scalp dandruff, helps with urinary tract infections, joint infections, sore throat, and is an effective treatment for varicose veins in the leg area. You should pay attention to that eating apple cider vinegar for long periods lowers bone density as it reduces the proportion of calcium in the body.
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