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Benefits and risks of corn

Benefits and risks of corn.

Benefits and risks of corn

Benefits of corn:

Sweet corn has many health benefits, including what comes: 
  • A rich source of fiber: which is usually in the form of non-water soluble fibers such as hemicellulose, cellulose , lignin is also associated with reducing the risk of many diseases, including heart disease and some cancers, in addition, eating enough fiber contributes to the digestive process، to reduce the risk of intestinal problems and digestive problems that include diverticulosis, one of the types of gastrointestinal infections, it is worth noting that one medium-sized bag of popcorn weighing 112 grams, contains approximately 16 grams of fiber، any covers 42% of the recommended daily amount of fiber for men, and 64% of the daily recommended amount of fiber for women.
  • A good source of protein: corn contains high amounts of protein compared with other steps, which makes them a good source of protein for people who don't prefer to eat protein sources-animal, as a vegetarian, it is worth mentioning that a diet rich in protein helps in the process of losing weight healthily by reducing the feeling of hunger, helping the body to burn more calories.
  • Released rich in antioxidants: corn contains good amounts of antioxidants, including carotenoids such as lutein, Asian, which helps to reduce the risk of infection with cataract, and macular degeneration age-related.  In addition, corn is one of the rich sources of vitamin C, which is one of the antioxidants that contribute to the preservation of body cells from damage, and reduce the risk of some diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
  • Rich source of minerals: corn contains some minerals, such as potassium which helps regulate blood pressure, and manganese which goes into regulating brain and nerve functions.

Corn damage:

The degree of safety of corn eating corn is generally safe in most people; however, there are some caveats when eating it in some cases, and we mention in the following paragraph some of these caveats.

Corn use warnings:

There are some caveats that are associated with corn consumption, and we mention the most important ones that come:
  • Allergy: an allergy to corn or its barren grains is possible, and it is difficult to diagnose corn allergy, but it is usually avoided eating corn to determine whether the allergy symptoms improve when you stop eating it or not, among the most important symptoms: chills, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, weakness of the heart muscle.
  • Corn intolerance: corn contains a protein called Zein, which is one of the same group of proteins as the gluten protein found in wheat and some other cereals, which when taken by patients with wheat allergy or Celiac Disease causes an allergic reaction, the symptoms of which include fatigue, bloating, diarrhea, and weight loss،The study published in the journal Gut 2005 that the protein Zein in corn may cause inflammation in some people who are allergic to wheat, but the severity of these infections is much lower than those resulting from eating the gluten protein itself.
  • High blood sugar: maize from starchy vegetables; which means they contain sugar and carbs that can raise blood sugar levels; otherwise they remain a healthy part of the diet in the case of not over-eat, it should be noted that people with diabetes do not need to avoid eating corn, but are advised to control the volume of quota accessible to them.

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