How to lose weight fast (secret tips) Just in few day
Fast weight loss method
how to lose weight fast, fasting for weight loss,best way to lose weight, lose belly fat,fat loss diet.
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best way to lose weight |
- Healthy weight loss :
There are many diets and diets that support the idea of losing weight quickly, but they are usually unhealthy, and ineffective, where health specialists agreed that the rate of loss is about a kilogram of weight in a week.
- Tips to lose weight :
Reduce calories eaten should eat less calories than the amount normally consumed, to make the body uses other sources of energy in the body, namely fat, for women should eat no more than 1000 calories a day, this helps to reduce what Approximately 0.90 kg per week, taking care not to reduce calories significantly, or eat less than 1200 calories a day, because it slows down the metabolism, and thus gaining weight again shortly after.
- For men:
it should be reduced by about 500 calories each day, to lose about 0.45 kg per week. Drinking plenty of water Drinking water helps to hydrate the body, which is one of the most important factors of weight loss, it maintains the metabolism, it is worth mentioning that It is necessary to rehydrate the body after every night, until the water lost during sleep is replenished, by drinking a glass of water, hot lemon, or Chinese oolong tea that contains antioxidants.
- Exercise (Sports):
should keep the body active for weight loss.Exercise improves metabolism, encourages the body to burn excess calories.High intensity interval exercise is one of the most effective exercises in weight loss, so that exercise is carried out at a rapid pace for Between (30-60) seconds, then reduce the pace for between (10-15) seconds, before re-start exercises with more force and speed, it is worth mentioning that resistance movements help to lose weight as well.
- Get enough sleep every day:
Be careful to get enough hours of sleep each day, as the body works to repair itself during sleep, and regulate the stress, and the hormones of hunger, cortisol, and hormone ghrelin, the more levels of the hormone cotisol, and ghrelin, the more you eat more It is worth noting that it is always advisable to set a sleeping schedule, where specific sleep times are set.
- Meals should be eaten at regular times during the day:
This helps to burn calories faster.This method helps reduce snacks between meals with high levels of fat, sugars, and be careful not to skip a meal Breakfast is one of the most important meals, because skipping it does not get the basic nutrients, and increase the need to eat more snacks throughout the day.
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